amagadz r u stress?

stress? we all deal we it. whether it is our job, family life, drama with a friend.... stress is there. rather than letting stress take over your life, you need to try some method to deal with it. 


ahaha over pula yang atas tu. 
dah selalu sangat hafal untuk oral sampai terbawa and still hafal
ah tercakap pasal oral aku tak buat lagi

back to topic!
everyone need to settle this shitz called stress
stress sometimes let us too emotional or even we cant do anything
like me....
i always try to avoid myself from stress
but most of time, idk. stress love me until we cant be a part aha 

okay so today i would like to share some of things that i will do whenever stress

first. as a muslim, berwudhu dan berkongsi dengan yang maha Esa itu lebih baik. Dia pendengar yang paling setia. try not too be like a monster ahah i mean like jangan sebab benda kecil kita bagai nak pecahkan gunung. sometimes syaitan sengaja menghasut kita untuk marah bila stress. syaitan pengganggu setia anak anak adam. jadi untuk menjauhi syaitan kita kenalah mendekati Pencipta. 

then. take a bath! paling best tengah panas berasap mandi air sejuk. tidakkah api pun dapat dipadam dengan air apatah lagi kita? dapat berendam lama lama lagi syiok. 

go for a walk or jogging? lihatlah ciptaan terindah yang maha Esa. for sure rasa kagum rasa tenang. Allah itu maha Besar. dia cipta something bersebab. salah satu sebab alam semula jadi? dapat menenangkan perasaan dan jiwa kita. go for a walk! (lagi syiok w your love one ehe)

have a cup of tea. having a cup of warmth tea to hold on will help you to release stress. 

my new hobby aka how i release stress? dance! i would loveeee to dance for at least 2 songs. while i release stress i can exercise. lagi? keluar peluh. dapat juga kurus eheheh. 

cant forget how music can change our mood plus help us to release stress. sit in front of your window and put your headset and listen to your fav songs! or maybe you can dance too?! 

there are sooooo many things that i or maybe WE can do for release our stress. you need to be smart to control and avoid stress or else? parah! 

oh girlsss i forget to tell that we can play make up to release our stress :p 
lagi? shoppinggggg. shopping is the bessst thing to do when we're stress. but dont forget to bring your money along. SHOP UNTIL DROP!

aiiii i already shared so many things today. still want to let stress control you? nahhhhhh dont be such a jerk. hopping you guys will always in a happy and see you guys in next update! ayy

salam sayang, 

p/s: i hope you guys have a wonderful magical beautiful dayyyyy eheheheheh adelaine fav things to say bfore she end her video

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