my tudung labuh experience (?)

assalamualaikum and hi!

sooo as this year is my last year as a student of high school, so i decided to try something new and thing that i never do before. i wore tudung labuh for iftar at my school. i never been wearing tudung labuh (xl size) as i thought i should change my attitude first (cara gelak, cara bergaul etc) but after all, i thought why not i try it first. 

at first, it was a really awkward. i feel macam rimas as i always wear medium size tudung to school and at outside, i am more with tudung bawal or shawl that only cover my chest. but with xl size of scarf, yes at firstt memang payah sangat nak betulkan tudung tu. perempuan kan biasalah nak tudung betul je or else, mood spoil huhu. glad one of my friend, firzanah, pun try to wear tudung labuh and kami saling memahami each other. we even wear socks and a really big jubah or mine is kurti (?) but we didnt manage to wear handsocks as we does not have one.

how people react? i dont even care much. yelah, manusia. they can judge but i am more prefer to be judge by Allah swt. lagilah first time kan memang orang akan pelik tapi tulaaa there's always first time in our life.

i even terpijak my own jubah masa jalan for so many times hahahaha malu sangat. sampai ramai cakap 'sapu lantai' ke🌚 but i am more confident after that. plus, with that kind of outfit tak rasa macam kisah sangat pun. tak perlu nak kisah how do i look, tak perlu kisah did my aurat exposed sebab memang almost fully covered. 

panas, yes panas at first. tapi lepas lama lama even orang lain cakap panas, i dont sweating at all. kalau berpeluh pun mesti ingat 'setitik peluh sebab tutup aurat di dunia ni dapat pahala' 

cara gelak...... ok i admit my laugh memang macam boleh gempa bumi juga kekadang sebab annoying yang amat. tapi alhamdulillah fir selalu juga tegur suruh cover gelak sebab takkan pakai je tudung labuh tapi perangai still sama. 

conclusion, alhamdulillah this experience memang sangat sangat alhamdulillah. moga moga Allah dapat buka hati ni nak pakai macam tu selalu dan moga moga Allah bukakan juga hati kaum hawa yang lain agar dapat sama sama masuk ke syurga-Nya. amin! 

you'll never know how great this experience is unless you'll try to wear it too! try! you'll never regret about it! 

p/s: sorry for bad english!!! :B

salam sayang, 

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