Covid-19, MCO, #stayathome + my february story

assalamualaikum and hi!

its been a while since my last update. i wanted to make this post since like idk. few weeks ago i guess? but ive been so busy with my online classes and as usual, i malas. i decided to actually make one post about what had happened since 2 months ago sebab its something yang not anyone would think of how their 2020 gonna be which is this pandemic thingy, kena stayathome cannot go out and everyone like panic with what happen blabla

so the day i made this post is 17/5/2020. tomorrow, its gonna be 2 months of movement control order or perintah kawalan pergerakan for malaysia. i cam tak sangka its been 2 months we live in this new normal. and sekarang ni dah jadi perintah kawalan pergerakan bersyarat so we can go out around negeri sendiri, 4 orang satu kereta dalam keluarga yang sama. oh and exactly next week is raya. so raya 2020 is just gonna be we beraya with family sendiri. tapi raya ke tak raya, i already made 5 homemade cookies! kalau tak pkp ni, i'll be busy with my fyp blabla

i nak citer about what happened before pkp. sebab i dah lama tak update and rajin jap

before pkp

bulan february, 
these were all happened in february only

i last minutes short getaway with bapak berdua. pegi perlis teman dia pegi klinik dekat arau and then makan dinner seafood dekat kuala perlis and stay there for a night dekat hotel putrabrasmana apetah i forgot the name. then, next day after breakfast terus pegi padang besaq shopping sikit and then pegi sik kedah rumah mokcik. petang sikit baru gerak balik 

oh i busy with my fyp dekat lab tapi ada like hari tak pegi lab and hari cuti sebab my sv pegi umrah

two days before my new sem begun, papa angah abang aqeel and me balik kampung for two days since my makcik sakit. so nak ziarah kejap. gerak malam sampai pepagi then dah nak maghrib terus balik rawang balik. another short getaway jugakla sebab dapat jugak pegi pantai blabla

i started my new sem, busy ulang alik shah alam and puncak alam for my fyp. merungut jem blabla but i had good times with my housemates sebab we did like banyak activity even my new sem kat sana kejap je. jalan pegi taman petang petang, pegi pasar malam like 2-3times, keluar makan sesama every week. we planned things yang kitaorang nak buat since its my last sem. 

on 28 and 29/2, another short getaway with aida to malacca. last minutes jugak ni. esoknya nak gi baru book hotel blabla walaupun we've been talking about it lama dah. kitaorang 24h in melaka. petang baru gerak terus checkin hotel and dinner dekat asam pedas kota laksamana. pastu jalan dekat area jonker walk tu. next day, after breakfast terus pegi muzium istana, dataran pahlawan, makan at ee ji ban, muzium penjara, kuih keria and coconut shake batu berendam. amik gambar dekat bangunan cantik tu (ahh i forgot the name) and pantai klebang. before balik singgah freeport melaka tu. oh thats the overview of my melaka short getaway. nak buat post asing senanya ni macam post penang tapi malasla hahahahahah

thats my february. penuh dengan aktivity and keriangan

but then

my march were supposed to be fun too:)

expectation: fieldtrip terengganu with my coursemates, run for sukol (sukan antara kolej), done with my fyp lab, short getaway with my classmates

reality: everything were cancelled due to covid-19 and mco. :)))))) its supposed to be our last fieldtrip for last semester...................... my short getaway with classmates tu suppose to be on weekend masa pkp baru start. so we need to cancel our homestay semua. fyp lab were cancelled sebab lab kena tutup. sukol, obviously...... mass gathering tak dibenarkan. 

two days before pm announce about pkp, we were all excited plan for our getaway. pastu bila pm announce, semua like kabut nak balik rumah. packing. but masatu we actually just ingat for 2 weeks. 

tup tup

2 months already.

all classes were cancelled. buat online class. online class ni lagi tiring actually. sumpah cakap

started with pkp 1, pkp 2, pkp 3, pkp 4 kejap and then now pkpb sampai 9 june. i know after 9/6 nanti, it will be extend again. and again. and again. i just hope all of these will be back to normal nanti. walaupun lambat lagi, tapi insyaAllah mudah mudahan.

take care everyone. stay safe

salam sayang, 

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