assalamualaikum guys!

so i finally update my blog using my laptop instead of my phone! ihi! and i already decorated my blog by changed the background, song. i always wanna try to make my blog as simple as possible.

for today's post i would like to make TMI TAG! what's TMI TAG??????!!!!?? WUT IS DATZZZ??? aahaha calm down. basically, i always heard abt this TMI TAG from youtubers. i do have youtube account but i didnt post any videos :p i subcribed bethany mota, cookiemonster and manyyyyy youtubers bcs i love to watch their videos. ITS ALL ABT GIRL THINGSS EHE

so i got some inspired right after bethany made TMI TAG video. bcs im a shy girl to post a video so i made TMI TAG in blog version! TMI TAG is abt WE answered some of the question that we got from google. its all abt ourselves that most of people wanted to know. so lets get started ihi!

1: What are you wearing?
a white t-shirt and sweatpants!

2: Ever been in love?
yes, yep, of course ehe

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
ehmmm idc. maybe yes, maybe no.

4: How tall are you?

5: How much do you weigh?
not more than 55kg. depands on how many times i eat

6: Any tattoos?
NOPE! im a muslim

7: Any piercings?
yes. on my ear but idk if its still open or no

8: OTP?
w him and sometimes w nisha bcs weeee lovesssssssss to gossip via call

9: Favorite show?
i watch tv bcs im bored so yeah idk

10: Favorite bands?
one direction, 5sos, cimerolli (idk how to spell correctly, sorry)

11: Something you miss? .
my bruh :( i miss both of them.

12: Favorite song?
my blog's song!!!! all of the stars by ed sheeran, all of me by john legend, gone gone gone by phillip phillips and fancy by iggy azalea!

13: How old are you?
16 to be :p

14: Zodiac sign?

15: Quality you look for in a partner?
loyalty, ehm idk as long as he love me no matter what (psst taat pada-Nya ((maafla tak boleh speaking pula))

16: Favorite Quote?
dont cry bcs its over, smile bcs its happened

17: Favorite actor?

18: Favorite color?
mint green, turqouise, black, blue, pink

19: Loud music or soft?
both! i love to hear loud music when i want to dance and soft music when i want to study or release stress!

20: Where do you go when you’re sad?
my room, bathroom. bcs i dont want others to see when im crying

21: How long does it take you to shower?
5-10 minutes.

22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
i usually wake up at 6.30 and went to sch at 7.10 so 30 - 40 minutes.

23: Ever been in a physical fight?
no comment (?)

24: Turn on?
seeing boy/man play w little kids. its cute!

25: Turn off?
people who smoke. sorry i hate you

26: The reason I joined Youtube?
ehm i made youtube bcs i wanted to subscribe some youtubers and keep following them

27: Fears?
injection, rabbit, all insects fullstop

28: Last thing that made you cry?
afraid when i heard puan maimunah scold us

29: Last time you said you loved someone?
jn eheheheheh

30: Meaning behind your YouTube Name?
i think my youtube name is eiqa zulani. eiqa goes to my old nickname that my old friends gave while zulani is the combination of my mom's and my dad's name. i love both of them.

31: Last book you read?
its a mall world under all

32: The book you’re currently reading?
the fault in our stars

33: Last show you watched?
i cant remember

34: Last person you talked to?
my mom

35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
 person that last texted was aida which she was send 'hi pls call me back' -.- BFFL! BEST FRIEND FOR LIFE :P eww dont kembang mangkuk ayun

36: Favorite food?

37: Place you want to visit?
ALL AROUND THE WORLD but especially mecca :)

38: Last place you were?
school. its sucks

39: Do you have a crush?
no. he will kill me then if i have a crush -.-

40: Last time you kissed someone?

41: Last time you were insulted?
i cant remember bcs idc at all

42: Favorite flavor of sweet?
anythinggg as long as its AMAZAYN

43: What instruments do you play??
hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha nothing

44: Favorite piece of jewelery?

45: Last sport you played?

46: Last song you sang?
fancy by iggy azalea

47: Favorite chat up line?

48: Have you ever used it?

49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
w my parents (?) last saturday

50: Who should answer these questions next?

If you made this TMI TAG too tell me and i will read your post/video! sorry for any wrong spelling or what bcs im sleepy now aha 

salam sayang, 
aniqah <3

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