what you should learn from your mother, by a girl that lose her mom #1

hi assalamualaikum

i've been thinking on doing this post for quite some times and here finally i managed to take some time and blog about it.

since most of my friends, they still have their mother around. unlucky me, my mom passed away when i was seventeen but glad that she finally can rest well there. so anyways, i want to make a post about things that i think people or everyone should know or learn from their mother and why. sort of like that. just some few random things that i think you need to know for ""just in case"" or as for me, it become easier just one day you might lose your mom like me. or otherwise, just to make sure you know so you can actually live by yourself. you don't have to ask others to help etc.

i think about sharing this because of i learnt a lot from my mom when shes here. so when she passed away, i already knew things that she taught me. i knew how to survive. i knew how to live without begging others to teach me. i think people should know.

moreover, now, i used to see people like to being malas or feel like takpela i can learn later blablabla and then when you dont know how to do semua baru nak menyesal. dont be like that gais. i might making this kind of post as a "series" if i get new things that you should actually learn okies

okay so here's conclusion why you need to learn from your mother:

  1. belajar something from your mother is a lot easier. she's your mom. she tahu you better. she tahu that you don't know certain things. so she'll teach you sebab you tak tahu and she wont perlekehkan like """"BENDA NI PUN TAKTAHU?????""" like some people did. even if your mom cakap camtu, you dont actually sakit hati sebab she's your mom. memang you taktahu pun kan. 
  2. senang to survive, just in case. you dont know whats gonna happen in the future. so later if you need to live sesorang, you know what to do, how to do, when to do etc. sebab you already learnt. tak kelam kabut etc
  3. papepunnnnnnnnnn if you already knew to do certain things even your mother is still around, then why you need to burden her kan. you can do it by yourself. dont be manja gais
  4. you actually learn bukan sebab nanti dah kahwin you need to do this or that ke apa, takkkkkkkkk. in fact, perempuan bukannya kerja dia kena kemas rumah kan. tapi i think, even you're a woman or a man, you actually need to know how to do this. i think semua macam basic. everyone should know. you jangan nak mengharapkan orang okay
  5. i knew some of this you can actually learn from internet, google, youtube tapi tak sama okay macam belajar live dengan belajar gitu je. 

things that you should learn from your mother:

1. menjahit. 

takdelaaa sampai you need to jahit a baju ke apa. just learn a simple jahitan macam untuk jahit kain yang terkoyak ke, lencana ke. so nanti you're not panic when something happen pastu you dont need to ask orang jahit sebab benda senang senanya. 

2. belajar la how to handle bawang, cili kering, beras etc

the basic for cooking. tak semua orang pandai okay even benda senang. sebab benda senangla you need to learn from your mother. basic ni la kekadang orang salah buat. like how i salah handle cili kering sampai i belajar properly cemana nak blend apa semua tu. kekadang mak kita ni tahu petua orang dedulu, takleh belajar from internet. dorang tahu doa nak baca handle masa masak ni. sebab tu masakan jadi sedap gila

3. simple dish

bila dah tahu nak kopek bawang apa semua tu, you need to at least know how to menumis, rebus, grill semua tu. sebab apa tau, once you knew how to cook simple dish then it will be a lot easier to masak benda yang lagi susah or cam leceh la. then, this kind of simple dish ni dah cukupla kalau nak survive sendiri, since you can cook by yourself - tak guna banyak duit asyik beli makanan. 

4. tradition dish (makanan turun temurun)

things you should actually learn!!!!!!!!!! one of tradition dish for my family is laksa johor5. . alhamdulillah i managed to learn this from my mother and kind of master it. even tho there's recipe in internet, tapi you know sometimes mother, they put something yang lain from the normal recipe. i even wrote recipe in my diary just in case dulu, so know tengokla. my "just in case" dulu help me now.

5. masakan on raya

all things happen on raya actually you need to learn it from your mother. few years before my mom passed away, i cooked by myself on raya (name it, rendang? pulut kuning? kuah kacang? laksa?) i cooked all. and now, alhamdulillah i tak gelabah langsung on raya nak masak apa ke semua, i boleh handle dapur tu by myself without help. sebab apa? sebab i dah belajar. i dah tahu what to do. even kekadang i lupa recipe. i need to refer balik recipe dekat google sebab i tak tulis recipe ni semua!!! (uhh nyesal) tapi okayla once i dah baca semua, i managed to do by myself. just kena re-check balik.

you dont actually need to master it. just learn. just know how to do. cemana nak buat. cemana dia jadi. so nanti once you need to do by yourself, you actually dah ada gambaran tu so you tahu nak buat and you tak gelabah. 

alright, i'm gonna update more on another post! think this post is more on cooking sebab i tengok most of people sekarang amik mudah all this cam takpela memasak ni nanti boleh belajarla, boleh makan kat kedai la blabla

salam sayang,

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