My review on K-fry urban korean!

Assalamualaikum and hiiiiiiiii

so its actually 12.30am but here i am gonna talk about fooood that might makes me go downstairs and find some food later but anyways, i'm gonna make a review on k-fry! i am someone who lovesss to eat, especially chicken! i already tried on kyochon for few times (cant remember lol) and i love it so much. then, since k-fry finally open a new store at one utama so my friends and i decided to give a try. i want to try on their bingsu so bad!

we went there on tuesday. masatu weekdays where orang kerja and sekolah so kedai tu tak full like how i saw orang post story kena tunggu and beratur panjang. masa kitaorang pergi, kedai tu penuh actually but still we only need to wait tak more than 10mins. so macam okayla kot? compared to kyochon, pernah beratur almost 30mins and masatu lapar nak mampos.

waiter k-fry semua nice gila! i mean like, diaorang peramah. customers masuk semua macam welcome in. they smiled. even once, kitaorang semua like tunggu ayam tu sampai cam muka kebulur then this one waiter dia cam "yes?" like ingatkan kitaorang nak pape padahal we only looked around. kalau mintak apa apapun, they serve it nicely. masa order pun kitaorang cam kabut tapi dia still cam gelak sekali lolll which for me, service by waiter: 10/10!

for the food, we ordered one whole chicken senanya!!! hahahahahha masatu kebulur gila tak fikir panjang do.

i need to check on k-fry punya websites nama makanan dia since i lupa loll

so memula, the star for k-fry kot? yang ayam balut dengan cheese tu we ordered krazy spicy cheesy fried chicken bumbuk. yang another plate pun sama it just tak balut cheese lagi sebab dia cakap kalau buat semua nanti makan yang another plate tu cheese dia dah keras so tak sedap. they cooked it again once we asked so time kita makan tu still panas and sedapla cheese dia.

i tak ingat the exact price. but i think around rm50-60.

my honest opinion, cheese dia muak. sebab maybe kitaorang makan with another ayam at the same time and tamak sangat. so dia rasa cepat kenyang. we even take away weh sebab dah tak larat nak makan. tapi, kalau makan awal awal or macam nak merasa, sedap. even ayamtu i tak ingat but i think boneless????oh yes, i baru check daripada websites k-fry. semua boneless! so peminat tegar ayam begini gonna love it. we ordered spicy sebab kalau makan dengan cheese and tak pedas, maybe cepat muak. so i think we made a good choice unless korang okay je dengan yang lain. and it came with the fries tu.

rate: 9/10!
so gonna repeat tapi tak makan with another chicken dah. maybe kalau we only ordered this one might be okay so tak cepat kenyang and muak. i like this one sebab boneless! 

next one yang macam ayam goreng biasa tu. that one is kfry garlic soya chicks. this one pun half chicken hahahaahhaha. yang ni tak boneless yela half chicken kan. for me, sedap. tapi takleh lawan kyochon punya. i mean, i like kyochon more. tapi still yang ni sedap senanya serious hahahahah. 

price: around 20-40 (tak ingat weh sorry)
rate: 8.5/10!

and last one. my fav!!!

mango bingsu! ahhhh i love this one and i dah craving nak lagi!! it just something yang sedap dimakan even masatu perut dah muak dengan ayam cheese tapi i can still makan ni. idk how to describe tapi ni macam nikmat dunia! lagi dengan ice creamnya. dengan mangonya. lepas makan ni boleh brain freeze pastu sejuk gila tapi nikmat weh

price: rm25-30

rate: 10/10!
i'll definitely come again and order this one!

oh ya, the dessert will be serve anytime korang nak. mostly kalau korang rasa ayam tu dah nak habis bolehla order sebab amik masa around 15-20mins to buat. 

in conclusion, i actually love both (kfry and kyochon) since both ada keistimewaan sendiri. not gonna compared this two. if you guys tak pernah try any one of kfry or kyochon, you guys should try it sebab both are my favs!

salam sayang,

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