How I study #2

Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone,

so today i want to share more tips on how I study, continue on my last post on "tips on how I study in matrics". This post not gonna focus on any level of belajarla, i mean like it can be applied to school, matrics, dip, degree etc. as long as you think it is easy for you to follow! the tips might be same with my last tips cause I cant remember what I already shared with you, but anyways........... lets just start!

     1. be organized: use planner! (a cute one)

               it is sooooooooooooo boring to not have a planner along. I've been using planner since I was in form one. cuma masatu I am not that too organized and sekadar conteng. but now I use planner as it is a planner. I mean, if I have something that I need to plan or to write like my to do list in future, I'm gonna organize it in my planner, in a cute way (if i am rajin) like I'm gonna use colourful pens, highlighter etc. if i malas, then just use the boring blue and black pen but still gonna write it on my planner. sebab i jenis pelupa. kadang i tak ingat pun what i did yesterday. so i need to write. and by what I mean write, a physical punya write bukan guna calender dekat phone sebab i still lupa if i tulis dekat phone. this tip helps me a lot. especially during matrics and degree. I've tons of assignment, test that I need to remember when to submit, so this one helps a lot.

    2. mintak parents doakan: keberkatan

             this tip I only amalkan bila kat degree. sebab before this I jarang share bila I ada test ke apa. kalau exam je ye cakap. tapi during my degree (even I baru sem 2), I selalu stress gila when it comes to exam and test. sebab yela, who doesnt kan. so when I have test or quiz, like a day or few hours before, I will just ask my dad to doakan for me. before this I cam tak nampak beza, tapi masa I sem satu, my carrymark for this one subject was not good. like nyawa nyawa ikan.

             I almost takut gila like I might fail on that subject. but then, before my final exam, I asked my dad to doakan. then, when the result came out, I managed to pass with a good result! Yes guys, someone yang dah nyawa ikan nak fail manage to get a good result. Berkat doa parents ni lain macam okay. Janganla sia siakan. Dan banyak lagi, during sem 2 ni pun. I selalu macam ragu-ragu with my answers in test tapi before that test I asked my dad to doa. Well, I managed to get good result again. Alhamdulillah.

     3. buat notes!!!

               idk about you guys, but study without any notes yang i buat sendiri = incomplete! i selalu rasa otak like kosong padahal dah study habis kalau i takde buat any notes. sebab when i did some notes, i rasa otak i belajar or ingat and then while i tulis tu dia macam extra ilmu masuk dalam otak. i've shared this tips dekat my last post, tapi i still nak tekankan how important nota sendiri ni. i am not someone yang rajin sangat buat nota actually. usually last minutes nak exam baru buat eheks. beberapa sem yang lepas, i tanam azam dalam diri to do notes right after i finished any subtopic, but i failed ehek. BUT, usually bila ada quiz or test, i mesti buat nota sendiri. a really short notes yang important sebab time quiz or test kan masa singkat je nak study and kekadang ada 2-3 test or quiz in a day so cam tak sempat, so usually cincai je nota tu but its okay! later bila final dah dekat, i dah ada mostly all nota for that subj. so masa nak final kan cam panjang sikit masa study tu, i gunala that time untuk buat balik nota yang cecantik sikit. just cam compilekan balik apa yang i dah buat, use more colourful pens and highlighters, padatkan lagi nota tu.

             in fact, time studyweek kekadang kita bukan rajin sangat pun nak study. so in order to make me rajin and adala juga effort to study, i buat nota. sebab nota just like baca and salin-make it short gitu. so ada jugakla ilmu yang masukkan? so bila that particular subj dah dekat i just read balik je notes yang dah buat takyah nak belek buku tetebal.

   4. study sambil dengar surah or ayat al-Quran/zikir

              in my last post i ada share untuk dengar lagu sambil study. tapi you pernah rasa tak sometimes, kita jadi extra stress bila dengar lagu time study ni lelagi when that subj is sooo hard and menghafal? so i choose another way, which is dengar ayat al-Quran or zikir or anything related to it. i suka dengar surah ar-rahman sebab memang tu surah untuk student la usually. senang nak masuk kalau dengar sambil membaca. then, rasa tenang je. kekadang i switch to any other surah yang random yang i rasa nak dengar. in fact, korang dapat extra pahala tau!

             a night before exam, time tu kan kita taknak stress sangat study. so in order to study sambil tenang je jiwa dan raga, i mesti study sambil dengar surah ar-rahman. shuffle banyak kali sampai i dah habis study.

  5. exercise or little work out or go for a walk

               kalau time study week kan, memang stress gila rasa kalau study dari pagi sampai petang pastu malam sambung balik. since matriks lagi i amalkan to work out or just go for a walk ke. sometimes otak kita nak rehat kejap bagi lagi efficient dia nak masukkan lagi banyak ilmu after rehat tu. so janganla paksa to study non-stop. maybe kalau dah 5-6pm tu pegila jalan kat taman ke, jogging ke main badminton ke, skipping ke etc. bagi keluar peluh sikit baru rasa lagi fresh and semangat senanya nak study.

               masa dekat matriks time studyweek every petang i turun jalan satu kmj tu or pegi main badminton etc. masa degree pulak, i studyweek dekat rumah sendiri so i jogging je la 15-20min gitu.

okay i think for now i share 5 tips je dulu. if i have more, i'll update later okay? study elok elok korang! and lets achieve our dreams together.

salam sayang,

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