Goodbye 2016.

Hi and Assalamualaikum!

How times flies, today is the last day of 2016. I’ve been through a lots of ups&downs. Yet, I am still grateful to Allah swt, because I am still able to survive. I remembered how weak I am on the early months of 2016. I had a really bad depression. I had a really bad stress. Thats why my face was getting bad before, and yes still it is. But my face is getting better, alhamdulillah. People didn’t really know what I’ve been through. Why did I had a really bad acne face. They just judged. They just know to point on my acne. And most of the time, ejek.
I was all alone during my first few months of 2016 when I came back from Japan. I have no one to talk to. Alone. I cried almost every single day and night when I was at home. I was stressed. One of way to stop me from crying was went out with friends. That’s why most of the time, almost every week, I must went out with aida etc. kalau tak…..? I cried.
I sampai at max point where I feel macam nak bunuh diri. Serious. Sampai I feel like I want to meet doc ke sebab rasa macam I dah gila.

Alhamdulillah, day by day, I talked to Allah. I asked Him to strength me up. I wanted to be stronger. I picked up pieces of me that was broken to pieces. I finally stronger than who I was before. I don’t wanna be that weak anymore. I don’t wanna know who am I before. I don’t wanna look back. I am stronger than I ever thought.
I would like to thank to people who motivated me, who pushed me to be stronger. People who told me that I am not weak. People that keep me alive. I am alive. I am not as dead as I was before. I don’t need to mention who, you know who you are. Thank you. Thank you every single person that made my 2016, that came to me as a lesson.

If you ever feel like you want to give up with life, wake up. If you ever think people don’t listen, pray. If you ever feel like people let you all alone in this world, don’t worry. Allah is there. Cheer up. Allah’s plan is better than yours. You never knows what’s behind every single thing you’re facing since cloud will always have a silver lining! If you ever feel like being backstabbed, forgive and forget. It might be hard, but sooner or later, its just a lesson. A lesson to make you feel stronger, feel alive.
Happy new year. May 2017 bring you happiness, more fun and excitement. Do what you never do before, take challenge. Surround yourself with positive people. Appreciate people more, it might be the last time you meet them. If you didn’t meet good people, be one. Do good, be good.

Salam sayang,

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