sem break wohoo! (luls)

assalamualaikum people hewhewhew 

i feeel soooooooooo awkward until i didnt really know how to start bcs its been soooooo freaking long im away and then im back on my blog! missing to blog but i am so freaking lazy to sit down and talk like yknow, blogging is like talking for me luls. 

alhamdulillah, long story short, i am now on my sem break but actually, i only have a week left and then hellooooooooooooo kolej matrikulasi johor aka kmjdihatikuuuuuuuuuuuuu la sangat. but i am soooooooooooooo not ready for sem 2 since its gonna be tougher (even sem 1 pun dah dying tahap nak mamp0s but i survived, alhamdulillah) (p/s: im not making any junior yang nak sambung dekat matriks takut hewhew sorry) 

well, believe me that life in matriks is fun!:p i swear im gonna said its fun when its over soon. yknow, only one more sem to go (insyaAllah #misikekalpst) its mean only few more months left. then, most of senior matriks lelagi masa mppb told that matriks is fun. soooooooooooo, one day, when im over with matriks, i am soooooooooo gonna miss matriks. I AM SOOOOOOOOO GONNA MAKE A POST "EVERYTHINGS ABOUT MATRIKS" from my first jejak to matriks until goodbye matriks. SOON, insyaAllah. 

even sem one was over, i am still yet didnt believe that i choose to further my study at matriks. like seriously guys. kekadang mandi dekat matriks tu pun i was like "wth am i here" and kekadang macam "cemana la idop aku pasni matriks lagi bape bulan je" hewhew. im not kidding. furthermore, studying at a place yang jauh from my home. siapa sangka? johor kot. and i am from selangor darul ehsan. tetiba jadi jdt huahuahua. 

okayla dah boleh dah menikmati sisa sisa terakhir ke enjoy anku sebelum aku kembali ke sarang belajar ku muahahahahhahaa no no no i love studying so i dont mind (eceh)


salam sayang, 

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